Wednesday, October 28, 2015

S.C. State Fair-Kids Spent the weekend-rig fixed-FVisit Jim and Lana

Thur. For two weeks they have the S.C. State Fair.  They had a special that folks could get in for one dollar.  It was because of the flood that displaced many folks and the people coming to help.  We enjoyed everything from the sand sculptures, to the paintings, crafts, foods, cattle, and so much more.  We spent the morning doing things around the rig and it was nice to get away.

Fri.  We went shopping to get things, for the grandchildren are coming for the week end.(our 1st overnight guest)  Al and Shannon came with the kids and we had S’mores and enjoyed the fire(top left picture below).  We all got ready for bed and watched the movie “RV”(top 2nd picture).

Sat. Lilimarie made pancake batter and Linda cooked them (2nd row left two pictures) and we all ate them.  We did a bible study (3rd picture 2nd row), We had the kids across the street come and made pumpkins (rice crisp and top was a tootsie roll), we skipped rocks(bottom left), played ball(2nd bottom picture), played games (3rd bottom picture) and we all made our hobo’s (bottom right picture).  We gave the kids whipping cream (top 3 right pictures).  After our showers we watched a movie “Zoo Keeper”.

Sun.  We met Shannon, dropped the kids off and went to church. After church Al, Shannon, Linda and I went out to dinner.  We went back to Shannon’s and played games.  Shannon is an archery instructor so she was showing us how to shoot(pictures below). Diego washed their truck and my car(top right picture below), later we all made our own pizza for dinner.

Mon.  We got up ate, did our bible study, then cleaned, laundry, raked  the root in the road(top left picture above)and got ready to leave tomorrow.  After dinner we went to Xander’s game. 

Tues.  We got up and drove to Spartanburg’s Camping World.They had to do some warranty work and attach the air valves to the rear wheels. When we left there we drove to Asheville N.C, the trees were changing and were beautiful.evan in the pouring rain.  We went to see Jim and Lana at the house (picture in middle below)they are babysitting.  They have lots of wildlife there.  They have seen a bear and we saw three turkeys(top right picture below).  The time was spent playing cards(girls won the most) and sight seeing the area.  Lana made the most delicious steaks for dinner.

Wed.  We got up ate and played two more games of Rook.  We each won one.  We left went to get rig.  The service there has been wonderful.  We then drove back to the Army base campground again in the rain.  We got set up and things put away.  After church we went to the store then home.

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