Saturday, October 17, 2015

Williams-Mary at Nashville- Carol's- Back to rig

Thur.  When Mackenzie got home from her sleepover, she, Katie, Linda and I went to Betty and Fred's where Mary was.  We had a nice talk for a while (top left picture) then played badminton (top right pictures), frisbee golf (middle right and left picture), we played jinga (bottom left picture), we had chocolate cake(middle middle picture), the kids played in the family room(bottom middle), and we had dinner (bottom right picture).

Fri. We got up had breakfast said goodbye to everyone then on the road to Carol's.  We stopped at a mall until Carol got off then to her house.  We drove to near where Amanda lives and had dinner with her and her family.

Sat.  After oatmeal (which we have not had in a long time) we drove to a pumpkin patch and met Amanda, Dusty, Heidi and Hayden and some of there friends.  There was a lot to do for all ages.  We played checkers (top right) , went down a slide then through a corn maze(middle left 2 pictures), watched some pigs race(middle left two pictures), used a sling shot to launch small pumpkins(bottom left picture, walked through the pumpkin patch( bottom middle 3 picture), and went to a sunflower patch.  When we got home Heidi and I went for a walk, she drove her motor car and push car, and we played with side walk chalk(bottom right picture).  We had dinner played with Heidi and went to bed.

Sun. Linda and Heidi made her special pancakes(top 2 left pictures below).  Josh and Ashley's came for breakfast. Last night we found out that Ashley's grandmother just passed away.  After breakfast we drove back to the rig.  When we got back we found out the Lilimarie was having a girl scout crossover(top 2 right pictures below).  It was on the base so were got threw the gate and got to the meeting just in time.  We went to the lake that the dam broke and was empty.  We went home afterwards and put things away.  

Mon.  We got some of our bills paid and got things ready for Camping World to fix the rig.

Tues. We spent the night on the couch in the living room.  It was very uncomfortable. We got the rig ready to leave and found Linda car windshield was iced.(Very cold nights as our heater is what not working)  After we got the ice off we left(bottom 2 right picture above). We got there early so were able to get the paper work done and have them work on the rig.  They got done earlier than we expected.  They ordered parts for three things and fixed the water leaks.  We left the rig there and went to the Honda dealer to see why the air and breaks were not right.  They took us back to the rig and we drove home.  We got the slide out and the rig set up.  They called and said what they found and fixed what was wrong with the air and breaks.  They were going to come to the campground to get us but the driver had a flat on I 26.  He is getting us tomorrow.

Wed. 2nd morning n the low 50 inside and 30's outside (Which way to Fl. ?). We were having our coffee in bed when the shuttle driver called.  We went to Honda and got he car.  Then to Cracker Barrel for breakfast.  We have not been there in awhile. Back home to make phone calls on paper work we got when we got the rig.  We went to church then back home to do the blog and to bed.  We got out the electric blanket for tonight.

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