Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Dad's-Dr's-2nd week at Mt. Dora

Thur. Ed and I worked on the cheerleader's closet and got the walls and ceiling done.  The door is ready but Ed has to run the elec.  I have to build three shelves.  Linda worked some more on putting shelf paper in a storage room.  We left work and drove to dad's. Dad had six DVD tapes that broke so I fixed them.

Fri.  I went to the GI Dr. and have a appointment next month for Endo.  Then to the heart Dr.s  She said I am doing fine and that I no longer have to take any meds.  We went to Skidder's to celebrate, we had  hamburgers and chocolate cake(middle picture below).  When we got home we played pegs and jokers.  Dad and I won first game then lost second game.  Then broke for dinner.  Watch more movies and played more games(bottom right picture).

Sat.  We got up and went to skidder's for breakfast.  We played more games during the day Linda won 4 games Dad and I won 6.  I worked on Dad's shower to remove old grout and put in new(top right picture below).  Linda took pictures of some birds bottom left two pictures.  We had Dad's sauerkraut dinner, released some balloons for it is Brighton's 16th B-day(2nd picture below bottom right,)  then left for the rig.

Sun.  It was cold when we woke up 40 outside and 48 inside.  We turned on the heaters.   One portable, one propane, and two celling heaters.  We went to church and on the way home shopping.  I helped Steve (one of the Sojourners) make a pegs and jokers game.  We went to church and got home to see the Oscars.

Mon.  We had another big breakfast at the school.  Linda painted all day and I made five frames for the shelves in the closet.  Ed got the elec. work done.   We got home ate then played pegs and jokers which guys 3 girls 1.

Tues.  Tonya one of the house mother made another great breakfast(middle picture below is after all 26 of have eaten).  Ed and I got the shelves up in the closet(picture bellow right top) and got a door on another project.  We now have one project left.  Linda painted the boys dugout.  After we got done we helped Steve and Janet use the drill press at the school and drilled there pegs and jokers boards.  Then after dinner we played pegs and jokers with them(girls 3 guys 1).

Wed.  We put the locks on one of the storage spaces but forgot to put the plywood under steps so will fix that tomorrow.  We got the frame work done on the last closet(bottom left picture) we have to put the door on tomorrow.   We took a couple to church  then home and bed.

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