Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Fort Myers/Mike and Pam's-Eustis-Lazy Days RV Driving School

Thur.  After breakfast at Skidder's we drove to Fort Myers. We went to Linda's yearly Dr. appt.  Everything with her was also perfect.  We went to a few shops then to Mike and Pam's.

Fri.  We watched a little of the morning shows the to Bagel Bagel for breakfast. We then shopped and went to Brighton's.  Went back to Mike and Pam's for rest then to Ted and Linda's for dinner. We played two games RCL and farkel (two different dice games which we liked playing both).  Linda and I were good guest we both lost all games.  Ted and Linda say they never have won farkel before.

Sat. Pam had to go to work today for she has next week off.  Mike Linda and I went to Craves for breakfast.  I had blueberry pancakes and Linda had a crab and snapper omelette.  It was good.  We dropped Mike at home and went shopping.  After we went back to Mike and Pam's we went to dinner at a Greek restaurant.  We came back and watched TV and played video games.

Sun.  We said our good bye to Mike and Pam and left for breakfast before church.  It was nice to talk to our friends at church.  There has been a lot of new folks that since we left.  After church we went with two of the couples to Roadhouse Restaurant.  It was the third choice, the first was two far for us to drive, the second was new and two busy and this one the service was fast and the food was good.  We drove about halfway and stopped at Dunkin Donuts for coffee.  We were 8 minuets late for church, we were glad we got there though.  When we got home Linda did three loads of laundry and I got the outside carpets swept, repaired and put away.  We were both tired and ready for bed by nine.

Mon. It was nice to sleep in and have coffee in bed while we watched TV.  After breakfast I got on the roof and cleaned the rig.  I was very happy the way it turned out.  I also cleaned the car and then got the bikes on it.  After dinner we played cards with two couples that live in the area and three that are here at the camp. Linda and I played pegs and jokers with two other coupes and the guys lost 5 to 1 (ouch).

Tues.  We had breakfast and bible study.  Then we got the rig ready to go to Lazy Days in Tampa.  We had a great trip and had no problems all day.  We got a voucher lunch so we went and ate at the sales building.  We get breakfast and Lunch tomorrow and breakfast on Thur.  We went for a afternoon swim, a picnic dinner, and played farkel a dice game(see the pictures below).

Wed.  We watched TV with cup of coffee then did our bible study.  We used our breakfast voucher's and went to RV driving school.  They taught a very informative class in the morning, we got our lunches and took them to the rig.  We were full from breakfast and had a salad for lunch. In the afternoon we drove their diesel pusher RV.  We both did well and as you can see from the picture below we both passed. Now we have to do our homework with putting dots on our mirrors to help us do turns. We took in two seminars they offered and now are brains are over filled with all kind of knowledge. We had one of the lunches they gave us for dinner. We played games before watching TV.

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