Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Mt. Dara Sojourn Finished-Mary for the weekend-more Dr.s

Thur.  We finished the sojourn today and got every thing done by one o'clock.  We went to the thrift store for the school and got some stuff(they give sojourners a 50% discount yea).  We got home and re organized the compartments in the rig.  Steve is getting ready to go on the Appalachia trail and Linda tried his back pac which is over 30 pounds(top let picture).  We played a new card  game called 3 with Steve and Janet then we played pegs and jokers guys won 2 girls won 1.

Fri.  It was so nice to sleep in and have coffee in bed while we watched the morning shows.  We did a lot of work today washing and waxing the car.  Linda got all the working clothes clean and put away. She also rearranged the rig and did some of the bills.  After dinner we played 3 then pegs and jokers which we both one one game.

Sat. As a group of eight we went to Perkins for breakfast.  We then met Mary then went strawberry picking(middle top pictures below).  We then walked around downtown Mt. Dora and found a vinegar store(top right picture) they have many different taste.  We went to a  city park(most of bottom pictures below)before going to a pizza place for calzone's.  When we got back to camp we played card game 3 which I came in 8th out of 8, Linda and Mary were in the top 5.

Sun.  Mary, Linda, and I went to church.  We came home went for a walk then grilled ribs for lunch(middle roe right picture).  Mary went shopping while Linda and I went to evening church.  We all met at the rig at the same time, had dinner, then played cards.  I was at one table and Linda and Mary were at another.

Mon. After a wonderful breakfast we took a short walk then Mary started to go home.  We did our monthly bills, bible study, and went shopping.  After dinner we played hand and foot and lets just say the guys got all the cards they needed.

Tues.  After our bible study and breakfast we drove to Dad's.  We had lunch then I started my prep for  my test on Wed.  We played hand and foot and pegs and jokers. Dad and I got just the right cards until the last game and there was no meeting Linda.

Wed.  I got up early for my prep.  I am so glad this is the last one I am getting a little sore. The picture below is me before my colonoscopy. We played pegs and jokers and the guys won overall.

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