Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Thur.  We got the car ready to go to Dad's.  On the way we stopped at a viewing of one of the older ladies.  On the way we stopped at the stores.  Linda has a menu for the week.  When we got to Dad's we had dinner and ice cream.  We played two hands of hand and foot.  Watched a movie then bed.

Fri.  We went to Skidder's for breakfast.  Went to Publix to get the items we didn't have yet.  When we got home we finished the game of hand and foot which Linda won.  We played pegs and jokers which Linda won(this has not been a good month for me to win).  We watched a movie then had dinner.  Before bed we played more pegs and jokers.  Yea the guy 2 Linda 1.

Sat.  We had breakfast at gramps.  We did our bible study then met Shannon and the kids at Subway.  We brought the subs back to Dad's and ate.  After lunch Lilimaire, Diego, Xander, and I went for a swim.  The girls came back then went shopping.  After about three hours of swimming we came back to dad's.  We had dinner and started the eggs boiling.  We watched a movie then colored  the Easter Eggs.  Shannon, LiliMarie, Diego, ZZ and I went to see the sunset.  After a long day we were all happy to get to bed.

Sun.  We all got up and went to Sunrise Easter Service at Fort Desoto.  We then went to Skidder's for breakfast.   When we got home we went on a Easter egg hunt.  After that I took the kids swimming then we had our Easter dinner and watched a movie.  Shannon and I went back to the beach to see the sunset.  It was a little better then the night before but still not the best.  When we got home we decorated the Easter Bunny Cake and ate fresh fruit and vegs.  Then it was time for the cake that was so nicely decorated.  We played pass the ace which dad won then to bed.

Mon.  We all work up late.  I made some coffee and LiliMarie and I made some coffeecake.  After breakfast we drove to Tampa to the MOIS (Museum of Science and Industry).  We spent the day there and found that we only went to one of the two buildings.  Sad part is that the one we missed is the one that we wanted to go to.   All three kids volunteered Diego was first and they did the Batman vs. Superman and he won a Superman's cape.  LiliMarie and Xander went against each other and LiliMarie won a Batman mask(top 3 left pictures below). We went in a wind and hurricane tunnel(right top and bottom pictures).  They had a butterfly building (bottom left 2) and went on a driverless car(bottom 3rd picture).  After we got home we had glorified ham sandwiches and leftover sides.  I took the kids swimming and Shannon, Dad and Linda played cards.  When we got home I joined them in pegs and jokers and Linda and won.  We finished watching a movie then all of us went to bed.

Tues.   LiliMarie and Linda made pancakes.  After breakfast  I took the kids swimming for an hour.  Before lunch the girls beat us at two games of pegs and jokers.  It rain this afternoon so we watched Dad's favorite movie "Tea House of the August Moon".  We then had dinner and the kids and I went swimming again.  I am thankful for heated pools.  After our showers we had strawberry shortcake and played 31.

Wed.  Shannon, Dad, Linda and I went out to breakfast at Skitters.  Afterward we went shopping.  When we got home we all went swimming.  We had lunch and watched a movie.  Dad stayed home and the rest of us went shopping for t shirts then we went to the beach to see the sunset.  On the way home we picked up pizza and ice cream.  After dinner we watched TV then to bed.

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