Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Crater Lake-Florence Or.-Coos Bay-Newport-Devil,s Punchbowl

Thur. Another early start.  We drove to Union Creek to get homemade pies at Beckie's Cafe(top middle picture) then to welcome center at Crater Lake. There was wild life but not much, they say the bigger animals just past through.  There was still snow on all sides of the lake(bottom left two).  We walked to two water falls( middle and bottom right). The middle picture is the Pinnacles which was made by steam when the river was covered by lava and the steam escaped and made the tall figures.  The middle left is what they call Pumice Castle the only rocks that has color in the area.

The pictures below are of Crater Lake.  There was an island called Wizard Island(middle picture). They have a Phantom Ship(2nd bottom).  The water was very blue, the lake is 6.1miles by 4.7 miles and it takes 33 miles to drive around it.  The deepest points 1,943 feet(7th deepest in the world). The surface  temp. is 32 to 66 degrees(records show only froze once).  The bottom is 38 degrees year round.  What a wonderful experience we had to see God's handy work. 

Fri.  We had a great morning with walking, breakfast, bible study and getting things ready for moving tomorrow.  We evan played a game of cards.  We watched a movie and played more cards.

Sat. Up at  5:30 did devo, got the rig ready to leave,  hooked up car, left by 6:30.  Here we went again up and down Mt. over 2500 feet.  The last 60 miles which the map showed curvy were not as bad as the roads that the map showed straight.  Top left we saw a flock of turkeys then down the road we saw two elk grasing.  We got to the park and it is first come first to get your sight.  We were happy we got a great spot(Thank-you God) After we got set up we drove into Florence and found they were having a farmers market at the marina.  But first we are told about the wonderful donut shop.  We went and they sell out every day and they had about 8 left.  He said we could have two on him.  We were not disappointed they tasted great.  We found our church building and the times then went to the farmers market.  As we walked along we saw folks going to one of the fishing boats.  We walked down there and found they were sellingAlbacore Tuna.  Linda asked folks how they were going to prepare the fresh tuna.  I walked down the dock a little further and found the best clam chowder.  We walked the old town shopping area stopping for pictures, ice cream, and coffee.  We went back to the dock and got a large clam chowder.  As we were waiting to see about getting a tuna a man asked if anyone wanted to share one and Linda quickly said yes.  Our's weighted 15 pounds and the man on the boat cleaned it in five min.  It is truly wonderful when someone knows his craft. It was totally awesome experience. When we got home we grilled some with Italian dressing and some wrapped with bacon.  We had two large pieces one grilled each way.  Had left overs for tomorrow and only used about ten percent of the tuna.  We played some cards then to bed.

Sun.  We got up and had a casual morning.  Coffee in bed then breakfast, and Devo.  We went to church and met a lot of nice folks.  Came home and Linda made tuna sandwiches. Yes the tuna was just as good as last night.  We drove to a dune buggy place to find out info and ended up getting tickets. Our driver was the best he made the trip daring and fun but safe.  We had a half hour of fun and screams.  We were airborne in the front and at times as he come over the dunes in the rear.  When we got done we drove down the jetty road to the ocean(bottom right).  We past three staging areas for the dunes.  When we got home we went for a walk, did the blog, talked to Dan's aunt who lives here, and grilled( or as they say here BBQED).  After dinner played out  things to do tomorrow then to bed. Hi today is 62 far cry from104 where we came from!

Mon. After our breakfast we drove to Coos Bay Or. The picture below with all the flower is Shore Acres State Park and Botanical Gardens. Which was in the middle of our walk.  The pictures just do not capture the beauty of these flowers

 As we entered Charleston we stopped at a info center(charlie the tuna outside 2nd picture below top 2nd picture).  Then off to Cranberry Sweets the same Co. we saw last week in Bandon but this one makes the sweets(top right two pictures). We stopped at a "Human Bean" for coffee then back on the trail. Middle picture is the Cape Arago Lighthouse. Bottom right is a grey whale.  The rest of the pictures below are of our mile walk along a path on the coast.

Tues.  After breakfast and bible study I got to wash the car and rig.  It is so nice to get them washed not all campgrounds let you do that.  The car looked like a dust mobile.  After lunch we drove to Heceta Head Lighthouse(bottom middle).  We found out that they closed at 3 and we did not get there till then. The bridge is at the base of the light house(middle right). The rest are of the shore line near the lighthouse. When we got home put the bikes on the car and got the rig ready to move.

Wed.  We drove to South Beach and found a great camp site.  After lunch we drove up to Yaquina Bay and Saw the Yaquina Head Lighthouse(top left). Then to Devil’s Punchbowl top right and middle left.  The view from there as the rest of the coast breathtaking. The middle picture the view on the corner heading to the beach(middle right).  Bottom left is of Depoe Bay(the world’s smallest navigable harbor). Then off to Boiler Bay where we saw two whales. The bottom right 2 pictures the Or. coastline.

After church in Toledo we drove back to Newport.  It was cold and windy.  We walked along the Old Town and found these seals resting. Then as we walked there were many murals.  The bottom left is the opening to the harbor and the next two pictures of the harbor.

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