Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Wallow Or.-Joseph Or.-Wallow Lake-Rodeo-Hell's Canon

Thur.  Top left picture was the moon and Mt. Hood on our way home from church on Wed.  Top right and bottom row some of the scenery on the way to Wallowa Or.  After we got set up we just relaxed the rest of the day.  After dinner we went for a walk down town which is just two blocks away.  We played some cards and watched the Olympics.

Fri.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDA!!!!! We had coffee in bed while watching GMA and Today show.  WE had our breakfast and bible study.  Took our coffee and went for a walk around the camp.  We drove to Joseph and walked form one end of town to the other. It was a very quaint fun town.  We took pictures of the statues(see picture below. We went to a coffee and chocolate shop and had a Mexican Spice Mocha. We got a piece of Huckleberry and Honey Lavender Truffles.  Linda got one free because of her b-day.  As we walked the rest of the town we found a store that smokes cheese, sausage, pork chops, and bacon( the samples were free ended up with $40 dollars worth).

We left there and drove to the indian tribe leaders(Nez Perce tribe) grave sight then to Wallowa Lake.  At first we were going to ride a gondola to 8,000 feet but got a jon boat for two hours instead.  We stopped at the local restaurant and got a mushroom hamburger, fries, and cookie and had a picnic on the boat.  Notice the back ground some have trees, dirt and Mt.  After we got home we had crackers with the cheese and sausage on the creek that flows by the park. Linda said it was a perfect relaxing birthday.

Sat. What a wonderful day.  Right behind the campground was The Maxwell Annual Gathering.  It is a group that has actives telling of the lumberjack days.  This year they told of the black community and how they got the skilled craftsman from all over the USA and brought them here. I was able to experience some of the actives(left four pictures is me throwing an ax)(7 throws (missed 3 throws),  (2 throws in 2nd black), (1throw in 1st. red), and(1throw in bullseye).   Top right two pictures I got the chance to use a two man saw.  Middle and bottom right, we went on a mule drawn cover wagon tour.  They had games and crafts for the kids, blacksmith, food, storytelling, music and lumberjack competition.

We drove to Enterprise where they had a car show and rodeo.  It was the first time for both of us to enjoy the rodeo.  It was a local event so they did actives they would do on the ranch.  Top left a man giving the dog commands to maneuver the cows. Top right a three person team had to separate the cows by number and if they got out of sequence they were eliminated. Best was nine of ten in two min. Left bottom three pictures, a horse race. Middle right two harvesting some type of grass(all the rest of the time it was brown bales instead of these green ones). Bottom right a cow was out on the free range and near the roadside.

We drove 70 miles last  24 on dirt road which took over two hours to travel(see gps and back of car below) to hat point(named after a hat landed on a tree branch and was left there for a year for someone to claim it. No one did, so it got the name Hat Point). It was worth the time and nerves to make the trip. It was a one lane road that was extremely winding and steep with no railings. You can imagine what Linda was doing after looking straight down the edges with no railings! The pictures do not show the magnificence of the canyon.  Which by the way is the deepest gorge in North America 7,913 feet. With white water rapids and deep pools for 72 miles in the free-flowing portion of Snake River. It dumps into the Columbia River.  Bottom right at one of the pull off's they had a fire tower which we were able to climb almost to the top.

Sun.  We went to church and came home, ate, played some cards and just relaxed.  We went to church service after dinner then came home and went to bed.

Mon. We got up and went for a walk down town.  When we got back  I washed the windows on the rig and did a little waxing. We played some cards and watched some movies on TV. We've been traveling Cal and Oregon coast for 2 months and have traveled over 10,000 miles! It feels good just doing nothing.

Tues. Was like Sun. that we relaxed, played cards and sat by the creek.  As we were playing cards we decided to leave for Co.  I was so happy it only took one hour to dump, shower, and get everything ready to travel.  We drove till 8:30pm and pulled into a rest stop for the night.

Wed. up by 5:30, bible study, and on road by 6.  We pulled into a Wal-Mart at 3. Never realized how many mountains there are out there! Very tiring. Went shopping, had dinner and went to Starbucks for Linda's b-day treat(green tea cappuccino).  The pictures below are as we traveled Or., Id., Ut., and now Wy.

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