Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Longmont Co.-St.Pete Fl.-

Thur.  We got up by 5:15 but because we had trouble with automatic levelers we did not leave till 6 again.  We drove across the continental Divide(where the waters pour into the Pacific on west side and on east side the Atlantic) several times and we went to the highest mountain point on hwy 82 (8,665 feet).  We drove with the petal to the metal 40mph.  It was not fun when a tractor trailer was on each side of us.( and also 2 more cracks in the windshield which is a blessing that we never fixed the first one yet) We did make it to Longmont Co. by noon. Got set up at a beautiful sight. We have farmland on two sides and the Co. mountains on the other.  It is the best set up we have ever had.  We told my dad we will be coming to Fl. for a vacation from the rig.  Betty is looking for tickets for us.  We have been blessed with so many people here to help us and that have made friends with us.

Fri.  We both got a good night sleep.  And Linda made a wonderful egg omelet this morning.  We then packed for our trip.  We left for the airport a 7 and got there an hour later.  For some reason we had a hard time getting organized and lost the keys for the car and dad's house.  We got through security and had to get rid of the mouthwash and hand cream.  We had a hard time finding a good place to sleep.

Sat. After a bad sleep at the airport we looked for coffee.  One opened early and we were able to have Caribou before getting on the plane.  They had several openings(God is so good) so off to Atlanta.  When we got to Atlanta the gate we were to go to just 4 gates up, they had to turn the plane around and go to a different terminal.  We had 20 min. to go to the gate from terminal A7 to B1.  When we got there they knew we were coming and held the plane open for us(God is still blessing us).  When we got there we were able to get a shuttle to Dad's condo.  When we saw him we saw how thin he had gotten.  Linda made dinner and we watch a movie before bed.

Sun.  We both slept good.  Linda woke me so we would not be late for church. After church we did some shopping.  Linda made lunch, watched some TV,  went for a short swim(because of the rain and lighting), had dinner, watched a movie, then bed.

Mon.  We had breakfast and were able to get a DR. appointment with Dad's cancer Dr. after lunch.  Things went well and his blood counts are good.  We got home and he crashed in bed.  When I went to get the I-pad charger I found the keys we lost(thank-you God).  We had dinner, watched some tennis and a movie.  Dad is eating much better then when we first got here.  He seems to be getting some energy back and able to get up easier.

Tues.  We got an appointment with dad's family Dr.  He sent him over to the hospital.  We found that his kidneys were failing and he has pneumonia and fluid around his lungs.  The staff is wonderful and doing everything for dad.

Wed.  Dad has gone through a battery of test at times we had four different folks waiting to work on him doing different things.  We found his kidneys are doing better and they took 2 liters of fluid from outside his lungs.  He felt relief immediately and was able to eat better.  He will have a lot of test tomorrow.

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