Thursday, August 11, 2016

Seaside Or.-Astoria Or.-Long Beach Wa.-Pacific City Or.

Thur. We took a walk to the beach.  It Was 51 this morning and only got up to 53 for the day.  There has been fog coming in all day.  When we went to town we saw that it was only along the sea shore.  We got the car and rig ready for a move.  

Fri. Up by 5am, bible study and coffee.  After getting the car hooked up we left by 6.  When we were leaving South Beach going to Seaside in Newport we had to detour a fire that burned two hotels and killed four people (top left). We saw a funnel cloud along the way(top middle).  When we got to Seaside we got set up then to town.  We walked the main street for tourist and saw the merry-go-round, mural, Lewis and Clark monument, beach, and sand sculpture which had spelled Oregon.  After dinner we watched the opening ceremony of the Olympics.

Sat.  Linda got up and made blueberry pancakes and eggs.  Later I washed the windows in the rig and the car.  We went for a bike ride and walked a mall.  On the way home we saw blackberries so we picked some(bottom right).  We got enough to put two packages in the freezer and Linda made a blackberry cobbler.  We watched some of the Olympics.  

 Linda found more flowers to take pictures of.

Sun. We got up and went to church in Astoria Or.  It is known for it's treacherous waters, waves get to 40 feet,  where they have twenty pilots to bring in the big ships.  After they get them through the pass another pilot gets them through the moving sand bottom.  Even during our short stay we saw the river rise 5 feet.  They also have the Astoria Column (top left) which you can climb(we did not because it was raining when we went)  You get a view of the city, Columbia River,  and ocean.  It has 14 murals encircling the outside.   The middle picture is Flavel House Museum which was Captain George Flavel home. There have been many films made here The Goonies, Short Circuit, Benji the Hunted, Kindergarten Cop, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle III, Free Willy, Free Willy II, Into the Wild, and The Road.   We drove to Wa. and ate at a bakery afterward we walked to the beach(the top middle two and bottom two middle pictures is of Long Beach).   The rest of the pictures below are of the bridge which was the last piece to connected Rt. 101 from Canada to Mexico Borderscalled the Astoria-Megler Bridge.

The right side pictures is the cranberry museum and fields.  It was interesting to see how they are grown and harvested. On our way leaving Wa. we saw a marina (middle picture) and a historical church(bottom middle). Top right is the mountains and bottom right across the bay is Astoria.

On our way home we went to Ft. Clatsop.  It was the winter encampment of Lewis and Clark. 1805 and 1806.

Mon.  We got up and drove to Pacific City Or. After we got set up (which God blessed us with a site with full hook up only 1/3 are)  We went just 2 miles to the beach and got LTE and two bars are on phone.  We played games after dinner then to bed no TV.(Hate missing Olympics)

Tues. After our trip to the beach for service(morning walk). We got home I cooked bacon, sausage, blueberry pancakes and eggs on the grill. We then went on a walk and watched some of the Olympics at the club house. On our walk we saw the deer eating berries(top middle).  Then back to the beach for internet service which we are able to facetime my dad and grandchildren.  Top right is a sand dune which we hope to climb Thur. They have boats here called Dory"s (made just for this area by folks that live here) they are flat bottom and go on and off the trailer rollers right into the ocean.  The bottom three pictures are them putting a boat into the water.  They do not have boat docks along this coast like the east coast.  We have only seen a hand full of marina's.  We grilled hamburgers with blue cheese in them and bacon on top(yum yum).  Went back to the club house for more olympics.

Wed.  We traveled along the coast to Cape Meares. Along the way we stopped at Oceanside Beach(bottom left).  We were able to see Three Arch Rocks from there(bottom two right).  when we got to Cape Meares we saw Murre and Puffin’s. They look like penguins but they are not.  Just a little further we came upon the light house(top left).We walked along the coast and came to this octopus tree(2nd top left).

We then drove to Tillamook Or.  We drove to Blue Heron French Cheese.They are known for their homemade Brie.   We had a sandwich with brie on it for lunch. They have a petting farm.  We saw llama’s (top left) and a ram(top middle).  They had a nice garden just before you walked in(top right). Bottom right I stepped onto a cow display(bottom right.  We then drove to Tillamook Cheese(middle left and middle).  They have a self guided tour where we read about how it came about and we watched how they cut and packaged cheese.  Bottom middle show the Mountains. and cows.  The cows got there because as they cut and cleared the land thinking they could farm fruits and veg.  They found it rained to much but the grass was always green so they started Dairy Farms.  In fact there are 26,000 cows which is 5 cows for every person.  Middle right are alpacas which we saw at the quilt place.  There is a air space museum where during WW2 they housed the air balloons. Now they have many airplanes there we did not go in ran out of time.

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