Thursday, September 29, 2016

Dad's 1

Thur. - Wed.  Some days are good for both of us some, for one of us, and some days are bad for both of us.  We have been up some of the nights and at times very early.  He seems to be getting weaker but a wonderful attitude.  John and Mike came Sat afternoon for a visit(picture below).  Hope, Tammy, and Brendan came Sat and Sun. Sat night we made coffee cake(see picture below).

Mon.  Not a good day here.  I made coffee and it tasted horrible so I made it again stronger and with cinnamon.  The cinnamon caused the filter to clog and coffee over spilled the pot.  After getting things cleaned we tried the coffee and it was bad again.  Then I saw it was decaf.  I went to the coffee shop down the street to get two cups. On the way out of the shop I had one cup on top of the other and the top cup fell.  As I caught it, it spilled on my tommy and wrist causing a burn.

Tues. night we took Dad to the pool while Linda and I took  swim(that is our 2nd swim as we had just swam for an hour ago and showered but knew it was on his bucket list so when the time arises we do it).

  Wed. I got a chance to go to the rig and get the bugs off the front, the bottom 1/2 of the rig,and wheels cleaned.  Linda went to her bible class on James and shopping on her way home from church. while dad and I did a small devo and watched "Dirty Dozen" which dad said was a guy movie.

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