Monday, September 19, 2016

Dad's 2nd and 3rd Week Home

Fri. to Wed.  We get up have coffee and do our Bible study, have breakfast,then get Dad's blood count and give him meds.  Some days dad goes for a walk 25 to 40 feet.  Three days a week someone comes to bath him and another person checks his meds and how he is doing.  We are blessed he has no pain  and able to get up by himself.  In the afternoon we go for a swim and he naps.  We have dinner and more meds.  We watch a movie or TV then before bed more meds and he gets a back wash and rub.  Linda was able to go to church and shopping on Sunday and dad and I did a devo.

Tues.  After a lot of prayer I got a plane to Co.  After I got back to the rig I got it ready to leave.

Wed. to Sat. I drove to Florida (1900miles).  I got here about noon and went to the storage that Linda found.  It is close to dad's and a wonderful place with a fence around it and a full time guard.  My cousin Sue came to visit on Wed. and Thur.  Tammy and Hope came Fri. night and spent the week end which was great because when I got home we were able to empty the rig together while Tammy watched dad.  Dad is still doing great.   Hope, Linda and I went to the sunset.

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