Thursday, September 22, 2016


Sun. Aug 18  Hope Linda and I went to church while Tam stayed with dad.  After lunch Jill (my mom's sister) and Nick (Jill's youngest)(top right picture below).  We had a great visit and and before they left we had dessert that Hope had made and pie that Jill brought with her.  They all left about the same time.  We rested and watched a movie.

Mon. We got dad ready(bottom right picture) and took him to the office to sign some papers we needed notarized.  Then we got back Linda and I got all of the bills we had from here and the bills that we had in the rig and got them straighten out.  We went for an afternoon swim and Linda took pictures of some dolphins swimming around the boat dock here and a big bird on top of one of the sailboats.

Tues.  We got our statement from the bank and got it caught up.  Went for another afternoon swim.  We watch two movies then bed. 

Wed.  After breakfast we went for a walk around the building(4th bottom picture).  We had a good day with dad.  Linda went to church and dad and I did a devo and read Esther. 

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