Thursday, September 8, 2016

Time with Dad

Thur.  and Fri.  We get up at 6 do our bible study, breakfast then to Dad's.  On the way we stop by Skidder to get dad coffee.  They made him a Mickey Mouse Pancake which he liked a lot more than the  hospital pancakes.  They took 2 more liters of fluid from around dad's lung.  Dad has had the  best staff taking care of hum.  It has been hard to grasps that dad has cancer.

Sat.  Shannon,  Al, Lilimarie, Diego, and Xander all came to Tammy's last night.  Al, Shannon, and Tammy came to the hospital this morning.  We spent the day together and went to the pizza place by dad's old house.  We came to dad's condo to eat then I went to pick up Heather(my niece).  We went to the hospital where Tammy, Shannon, and Al met us.  After a visit we all went home.

Sun.  What an exciting day. Dad is going to get a permanent drain in his side for the fluid from his lung.  Shannon, Al, and the kids went to Skidders for breakfast then Shannon came to the hospital.  Al and the kids went to dad's to let Suncoast Hospice to bring furniture for dad.  Tammy was dropped off at the hospital and Kenn and the kids went to dad's condo.  They were late getting dad for his surgery.  Then they came and told us that they could not do it they had the wrong tubing.  The hospital CEO came in and made everything right.  She went to another hospital and picked up the right tubing.  She also got the Dr. to come back and do the surgery. You never see that happen esp. on a holiday. God is so GOOD.  After Dad got back to his room we started to get the ball rolling for his discharge..  HE'S HOME!!  After Linda got with Hospice and got all the paper work done they got to his place by nonemergency transport at 10pm.  The kids made him three huge cards and they got him balloons. I had pictures of everyone welcoming dad home and my computer decided to lose them.  I have tried to find them but no luck so far. Shannon had this picture below on Facebook so Linda set it to me and I am posting it.

Mon.  Al and Shannon and the kids spent the night and  left after lunch.  Heather made pepper steak for dinner.  Hospice came by and got things organized for dad's care.  He was able to set in his chair for a long time today.  He is so happy to be home.

Tues. Dad is doing his breathing treatment and working a crossword puzzle(top left picture).  He called this his peace pipe because  of the smoke that comes out of the end.  He had a good day he walked about 25 feet then sat in his chair for the day.  We got a swim in before dinner.  I know I would not be able to do the things that Linda does for him.  Dad and I are so blessed.

Wed.  BIG DAY.  We took dad to his favorite restaurant, Skidders.  Below top right on our way to the car, bottom left having breakfast and one of the owners came by and spoke to us.  Now that dad is on steroids he is pumping his weights.  This came about because Al (Heathers husband) is in a weight lifting competition this week-end where he will get ranked.  

Thur.  What a night dad's potty bag got crimped and wet his bed.  We had hospice come out at 4 in the morning and fix it.  We were both tired today.  I took Heather to the airport and she flew home to Asheville N.C.  We took a nap and then went for a swim before dinner.

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