Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas at the Alvarez's, our surprise Williams and Niebrugge's

Thur. We got up early and drove to Shannon's.  We stopped at a shoe store and got are walking shoes that we have shopping for the last year.  We got there just a Shannon was getting home from school.  The pictures below show the kids making there graham cracker houses.  They all did a great job making them then the got to eat them.
Fri. After breakfast LiliMarie and I went to get lumber and hardware for a ladder for her bunk beds.  LiliMarie did a great job using the tools and making it (picture top row).  That night Xander had basketball practice the pictures bottom row.
Friday night we went to a home that had a wonderful Christmas display and other things going on. 3rd row middle shows the hay ride we went on without the hay (I guess you would call it a wagon ride).
Sat. Shannon took us to the campground we would have stayed at if the rig hadn't broke.  She showed us the rest of the base then we went to town. Left picture is the courthouse and city Christmas tree. Top right picture is a vault which has been transformed into a bar. The Hilton bought the bank and turned it into a hotel. Bottom right is a clock on one of the street corners. After leaving main street we went to Jason deli.
Sun.  We went to church then to Lowe's to get paint for the steps.  Top left LiliMarie painting and bottom right her final product. While she was painting Linda, Shannon and Xander played cards (top right).  After dinner we were getting ready to play card and a knock on the door I opened it to fine Jennifer, Mackenzie and Katie. It brought tears to our eyes!!! What an awesome surprise it was to be able to celebrate Christmas with 2 of our daughters!  As we were eating dinner (bottom left) a knock on the door it was Tammy, Hope, Brendan, and Bryce!!!! Now all I can say that was a total BLESSING to be able to have all our daughters and our grandchildren TOGETHER!!  WE were sad to see that Kenn and Chris could not come and to them THANK YOU for sacrificing your family and letting us enjoy them with out yous'e. What a surprise (what a house full). It brought Linda and I to tears Many Times.  The kids all played together very well and went to bed very tired. Once again what a blessing for all the cousins to be together and all three of our daughters to give of their precious time away from their Husbands and activities,  THE BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!!!!
Mon. I got up and made cowboy coffee cake.  We ate breakfast and then the kids made cookies for lunch.  After we ate lunch Linda, Tam, Jen, and Sha went shopping. Al, Mackenzie, Hope, LiliMarie, and myself played nine hole golf card game.  when everyone got home Linda took the kids in groups and started cooking.  Top left boys making cookies for cut outs. Top Middle girls relaxing and enjoying the moment.  Top right getting ready to make cut out cookies.  Middle left finished cookies. Middle middle making cinnamon cookies. Middle right peanut butter balls.Middle bottom peeling apples and bottom left cutting apples for apple tart breakfast. Bottom right getting ready to go to Holiday Lights on the River at Saluda Shoals Park.
                                             They had miles of lights below are some of them.
                                        We found this Christmas tree and took family pictures.
Tues. We got the dough for the peanut butter balls and dipped them in chocolate. 
We were able to play cards. Then we celebrated Christmas eve eve (since the kids were heading home Wed).  We had our corn chowder, pigs in a blanket, spinach wrap, hamburger wrap, and ham pickle cream cheese wrap.  Later Santa came to visit.  We open our cousin gifts then Linda and I got gifts from each family (besides the gift of them being there). We played more cards and the kids put on Charlie Brown's Christmas play.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

New Shelves for dad. time with the Niebruggies

Thur. We got up and made cowboy coffee cake and coffee.  We enjoyed the sun rise then we started  putting the shelves together.  We got them at Ikea and went together so easily.  Linda and Dad did a great job putting the books and figurines up.  Dad says it looks great and is so happy with it.
Fri.  We went to Skidders for breakfast.  Dad needed some things for the condo so we went to Home Depot.  when we got home we replaced the light in his closet, set some timers on his cabinets, we had 
Lunch and dinner then watched some Christmas movies.

Sat.  We went to Skidders for breakfast.  We took dad down to the club house for his condo building was having their Christmas party.  We had lunch did some cleaning then watched the Army Navy game.  Linda made dinner then we drove to the rig.

Sun.  We went to church came home lunch then I went to bed for I have been battling a cold for two days.  Linda did some visiting,  we had dinner, she went to church while I read the bible and rested.  Dad went and painted the" double happiness" and hung in in the top middle.  The picture was the final touch to complete the book shelf.
Mon.  We ate went to Starbucks then to Ford for oil, air, and fuel change.  We picked up our new glasses then to Tam's.  Hope had made a zucchini  treat for us and it was delicious.  Tam made a Mexican dinner for us, after she picked up the boys from cross country we ate and went to there Boy Scouts Raingutter Regatta.  Top left picture is the boats the boys made as you can see no two are alike.  There were four packs top right Brendan is racing his boat.  Bottom left Bryce is racing his boat and came in first in his pack and second over all. Bottom right  a man did a  bow whip demonstration.  He is in the Guinness record book and placeed first many time in the bow whip contest.
Wed.  It was catch up time.  We got the truck washed, laundry done and the rig cleaned.  went to church got home and bed.  Linda got the cold I just got over.  

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Bryce B-day Party

Fri. We went shopping and got a new apple computer.  We had them transfer the files from the  old one to the new one.  We pick up the computers on Mon. so I am back tracking.
Sat. We got to Tam's early and Linda went with the girls to Hope's parade and I went with the boys to Brendan's and Bryce's cross country.  They bot did well and it was a longer race for Brendan one mile instead of 1/2 mile.  We left there and went straight to Bryce's basketball game.  After the game we all met at Tam's.  We had lunch then to the boys boyscout parade.
 Sun. after church and lunch we went to Bryc's  baseball birthday party.  We had a good time playing baseball and other sports. We went out to Jason's Deli for dinner.
Mon. We picked up our new computer and went to Tam's and made lunch.  Bryce was home with Hope because he was not feeling well.
Tues. We went to the dentist to get our teeth cleaned (we both needed it). Then we went to the Tam's ate, then helped the kids make gingerbread houses out of graham crackers. They all did a great job then ate some of it.
Wed. We went to the apple store and had lessons on our new computer.  1 1/2 hour group lesson and 1/2 hour which was a hour individual lesson.  We drove to dad's for a few days.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thanksgiving- Dad's move- Bryce birthday

Thur.  What a greatful day.  Before we went to Thanksgiving dinner at Skidders dad gave us our Christmas present (top left).  It brought tears to our eyes.  It is a 28 day cruise leaving Ft. Lauderdale going on the Northern Europe Passage then Scandinavia and Russia. We keep pinching ourselves thinking it's a dream.  We will be leaving in April on a cruise with him.  When we got to Skidders we found the Alvarez family waiting for us (top right).  After a filling dinner we came back to dad's. Al and I hung some things (middle pictures) for dad.  We watched Xander's school play (bottom left). When it was time for them to leave we took there family picture with dad.

Fri. To Skidders for breakfast then shopping for house hold items. Top left I'm getting the microwave ready, hung two plants, With two phone calls to Mike I did some electrical work, with dad helping (top right) Linda put the kitchen stuff away.  After a long day at working we went to Skidders for dinner where dad arranged (after 17 years going to the same restaurant he does have alot of pull) to have ribs (bottom  pictures) yum yum Linda and I could only eat half of them.
Sat.and Sun. On Sat. we were able to watch some of the college games (top left).  We left to go home and stopped by Ikea to look for a book case for dad.  We found just what were looking for. They also had a special where we could eat free and we did $42 worth of dinner.  We got three sections for dad and they were so big we drove back to his new place, put them in the house then drove to the rig. Sunday after church we went to Tam's, had left overs and played with the kids (top righ)t.  Linda and Hope made turkey pot pie.  Two dinners worth and we ate it in one. On the way home we looked at some Christmas lights (bottom two).
Mon. We stayed at home all day cleaning, washing the truck, and doing laundry.

Tues. we went to Mt Dora in the afternoon (see pictures below). We did some shopping on the way home.  The weather here is wonderful in the low 80's 
Wed. After a morning at home we went to church.  We drove to Tam's and picked up Bryce so he could spend the night.  We stopped at Wal-Mart for him to pick out what he wanted to eat while with us.  When we got to the rig he played with our army men, we played a game' then we watched a movie.  As you can see it did not take long for him to go to sleep.
 Thur. When he got up he (top row)opened gramps card, helped me make coffee cake, (2nd row) we ate the coffee cake, put together a puzzle, played basketball (3rd row) we played soccer,   he blew bubbles, and we played baseball (4th row) we played checkers, an other puzzle, We ate what he picked out popcorn chicken, tater tots, and corn 5th row he got rolled in a tunnel, birthday ice cream sundae, and he got money from us so he picked out three lego items
 During the day we went on a walk we found (top row) mushrooms, some type of fungus 2nd row) some harry stuff, cactus, bird feathers (bottom row) birds, butterflies, and flowers.  We went to Tams for his birthday dinner and birthday cake ice cream.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Tn. to Fl Dad selling house buying Condo

Thur. After a relaxing day we got great news on my blood test.  All of my counts are good even the cholesterol.  When Chris got home I helped him finish one of his lawn jobs.  We had dinner and the wonderful apple cake desert Linda and Katie made yesterday.  Linda and Jen played spades with Chris and me (we won)

Fri. We drove to my heart Doctors and he was very pleased with my health.  He is letting me stop lipitor.  Now the only thing I am taking is vitamins and baby aspirin (Yea).  We got home then went to their Pastor David's funeral.  We went to Subway for dinner and then some of the apple cake they made.

Sat. We went to Mackenzie tournament. Below she is pitching, hitting, we were cold, and in between games we played cards. Kari and Addy joined us.  During the second game the ball hit her thumb and bent the finger nail back. They played three games.
                              After the game we had pizza and the girls made gingerman cookies.
and decorated them.

Sun. We got up and drove to our rig, showered ,church, then drove to my dad's.  Some 900 miles with the majority of it pouring rain.                                         

Mon. Breakfast at Skidder's, then packing, then at closing we found out the bank was not ready. We did all the paper work that we could selling his home and buying his new codo. 

Tues. We started  moving his 54 boxes that he had packed.  We packed about 12 more and it only took two trips.  We were all exhausted.   Dad had taped some movies from Hallmark so we watched them.

Wed. Up early went to Skidder's then moving day.  The movers got things packed and moved by two.  What a blessing. Dad's house empty see picture below. A call from his realtor saying the paper work is done put the money will not be ready till Monday.
                                                            This is dad's new codo below.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Ky. to Fla. then Tn.

Thur.  Just when we think we have a plan it changes.  2 mornings ago we woke up with the gas heater not working I turned everything off and it started to work.  Yesterday it happen again and this time it did not start working.  So when we woke up and found Nashville was not going to get any warm weather.  So this morning we are leaving for Fla.  We had a wonderful trip.  Held up in Atlanta for about 20 min. but did make it to exit 222 south of Atlanta.

Fri.  We got up and drove to Eustis Fl.  Got here early enough to find they were going to have a chicken dinner at the school and a sing along afterwards.  We were so happy not to cook and were able to meet up with 3 sojourn couples. When we got home we were exhausted.

Sat.  We got up did our bible study, got things pack and went to the post office to mail a package. Then we drove to Tam's to pick up Hope and go to Brendan's ball game.  They won and will have there next play-off game Tues. at the same time Bryce has his.  After the game we went to Tam's where Tam and Linda talked at the back porch and all the guys and Hope played wiffle ball.  On our way home we stopped by Starbucks for there bogo then to Walmart for gas and exhaust fluid.  We got home filled the exhaust fluid, got the car packed, got caught up on some paper work then shower and bed.
Sun. We got up and drove to Jen's (what a long  trip).  Chris had dinner ready for us afterward we went to church.

Mon.We got up and found snow outside.  Linda went outside and sat on the bench (bottom left). We had breakfast and did our bible study before we went shopping.  After dinner we went to Katie's basketball practice. Chris is the head coach and Mackenzie is the manager.
Tues.  We had bad news that the William's pastor past away after a long bout with cancer.  Jen picked up the girls and we all went out to Egg and I.  The staff knew David and went out and got a card for us and they all signed it.  We ate then did a bible study before the girls went back to school.  We came home and tried to get the broiler to work on the oven.  After trying many things we just cleaned it and called it a day.  We got a new thermostat for the house and Jen's headlight working.  Chris made pot roast for dinner in the crockpot.  Yum Yum.  We played games with the kids after dinner.

Wed. Another cold night in the teens. We got up and left for the 100 oaks mall where Vanderbilt Hospital has offices.  I got my blood drawn then we had breakfast at the breakfast place there.  We then met with our financial person Luke.  Came back to Hendersonville for hair cuts and banking.  Linda and Katie made Shepard's pie for dinner (picture below).  We went to church and hurried home for it was cold again.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

2nd Week Jamestown Ky.

Tues. We traveled to  Cumberland Falls (often called Niagara of the South) and ate at the Dupont Lodge.  We enjoyed a lunch buffet (top left) and the fire place (top 2nd picture).   We walked from the lodge down to the falls (top 3rd picture)65 feet tall and 125 to 300 feet wide.  I walked back up and got the truck and we went for a walk to Eagle Falls only to find the path blocked by trees after we were almost there.  So we turned around and walked back to the truck back to the Lodge for  banana pudding (bottom left)that there famous for. It has a meringue on top served warm!  That was our dinner,don't tell our kids!. We drove around and saw the tennis courts, stables, campground, pool, and other areas of the park.  Then after 6:30 we were back to the falls because this falls and one other in the world have a moonbow.  It is white and like a rainbow it only comes certain times with a full moon.. We saw it just before 7 as the clouds broke and the moon shown through the trees.  I tried to get pictures of it but it did not work.  The camera did capture the falls (bottom 3rd picture).  The bottom 2nd picture is a marina on the way home you can see that it was very foggy. Bottom right is after a long day my young bride makes us the BEST home made pizza.
Wed.  On our Tues. we read our e-mail from Vanderbilt Hospital  Dr. Zik office.   They said they had a opening for us on today at 9 A.M.  So we got up this morning at 4:30 and drove to Nashville Tn. We got there early enough to eat at Panera's.  I got a cin. roll for birthday from them.  We got into the office and they only found a few spots (10) after they froze them we met Jen for lunch at Calypso Cafe.  Then we drove home and both of us crashed watching the Today Show on the internet. It rained the entire time.

Thur. We got up and went to work.  We did all of the things that we do in the morning.  THEN we got to feed the three snakes.  As you can see they were very active before and after we fed them (top left). Top middle Linda feeding the mice embryo. Top rt. and middle left is after the snakes took the food.  Later that day the rainbow and brown trout eggs came in(middle 2nd row) 2nd. row right they place the eggs in water.  3rd row left they put iodine in the eggs. 3rd row middle putting the eggs back into the water. 3rd row right they analyze 100 eggs. Bottom left after measuring the eggs they put them in water that is constantly moving them in a circular motion. The last two pictures is the containers the eggs went into middle over 110,000 brown trout and right is 50,000 rainbow trout. there is two containers for each type of fish.
 Fri. We went up to the center for they got together and had a breakfast for us (top left).  They gave us our papers for volunteering and a pin. After getting our fill we rolled out to the fishery and helped feed the fish then to see the eggs.  They say they shipped the eggs late and they were starting to hatch already (top 2nd picture).  We then drove to Somerset 3rd top the fountain in the middle of town and 4th rt the town square clock.  At the library they had a children's garden (2nd left). We stopped at Haney's Appledale Farm to get some apples and of course fresh Fried Apple Pie! We drove to Nancy Ky. to the visitor center of Mill Spring Battlefield.  We watch a video of the battle then went through the museum (2nd row 2nd picture to 3rd row left picture).  One of the volunteers walked us around and told us about the battle and the displays they had there.  He told us how they were trying to get it to be a national park.  When we left there we were hungry so we went to Lee's Ford Marina (3rd row 2nd picture). We ate at the Harbor Restaurant & Tavern they have been in the Southern Living mag. Famous for grouper fingers. They were awesome.  We left there went to Sano Meats and got frozen vapor pac meat. Then to the Union cemetery (3rd row 3rd picture). Down the street was the battle field (3rd row rt.).  Also the Confederate mass grave where over 100 men are buried (bottom left).  2nd picture is the stones with the names of the men. 3rd picture is down the street about a mile the Confederate field hospital. The last picture is our welcome back by the deers at the center.
Sat. We stayed around the rig getting it ready for our leave Thur. We did venture out to a coffee shop and had ice cream and coffee.  We had to go to the store for we ran out of coffee for our coffee pot in the mornings.

Sun. We went to church then on our way home we wengt to Lake Cumberland State Resort Park. Top left is a overlook on the way to the resort. The next 3 are of the view from our table at the buffet. On the way out we saw the marina 2nd middle picture. We left the park and stopped by a boat loading ramp the picture does not show how steep the ramp is. 3rd row left is from the boat ramp parking lot.  After we got home we went on a walk 2nd middle is the water release at the hatchery. We saw two deers on our walk they did not seem to be bothered that we were just feet from them. The bottom three pictures is the back side of the dam.
Mon. Back to work we go.  The top picture is us with our certificates for volunteering at the Hatchery. The bottom two pictures is out our side window this morning with the fog.
Tues. we got up for our last day of volunteering.  We thought it would be a busy day being it was Veteran's day.  We only had 25 folks show up.  We had two more couples come to volunteer at the center and both of them came to shadow us today. We went out to dinner with the couple that came the same time we did.  We had a wonderful dinner and the coconut pie was the best.

Wed. We got some of the things done around the house, did laundry, and said goodbye to the folks at the center. Just in time for the cold winter week our heater broke in the rig hope to get it fixed in Fla. After church we got gas and came home.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Jamestown Ky

Wed. We went back to the visitors center to see how you open up in the morning.  Linda learnt the register, some of the lights and fed the skunk.  I helped Dan feed the turtles, frogs, crickets, and fish.  We went over to the hatchery and got bass 3 to 6 inches long and put them into the three large fish tanks. We thought we were going to be there a half day and we stayed till closing. We then ate and went to church in Jamestown.

Thur. we drove to Jamestown and Linda had a 1 1/2 hour massage.  We then went to town square to see the sights.  From there we drove in Amish country (middle left Picture).  On our way to Liberty Ky. we ate at Bread of Life Cafe.  It was started by a couple behind there gift shop they had to make money for the children home they started.  The restaurant grew and grew till they have the big restaurant with a gift shop. The bottom left picture is one of the many articles on the walls. After our buffet lunch we drove into Liberty where Ky. agreed to break away from Tn. The 2nd and 3rd picture in the bottom three rows are pictures of the old schoolhouse, jail, first post office, Grayson's Tavern and Ephraim McDowell House (father of modern surgery). From there we drove to Perryville Battlefield (the bloodiest civil war battle in Ky). The top row of pictures are the battlefield and first Flag of the Confederacy.
Fri. we did laundry with the machines they have for us to use. We did odds and ends around the rig.  Late in the afternoon we went up to the visitors center and closed so that the volunteers could leave early to go to their home in Ohio.

Sat. we got up to 34 degree weather, ate, and went to the center for a day of work. As we worked today we held one of the snakes and helped bath the skunk.  We did the tanks and found that they are not leaking so I put all the stuff back into the rig.
Sun. We woke up to 28 degree weather.  Bottom Rt. is ice on the truck and bottom left is a leaf with frost on it. The top left is the frost on the roof. Top rt. frost on the cob web. After a day at the center we went to church for the start of their revival. The speaker  was good.
Mon. Today we had many firsts, I bathed Squirt and Linda dried him.  The snake went into Moria's hair and Linda had to help get it out. Bottom right I was feeding the snapping turtle.  Don't let any one tell you that turtles are slow when he saw the worm he stretched out the neck about four inches and quickly.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Thur. It is so nice to wake up and have nothing planned.  We did take a walk, have our fourth fire in the pit, washed the rig, and relaxed.   After playing some games we ate dinner then I got my part of the rig ready to leave on Sunday.

Fri. We got up early, after a late start because I put the truck keys in my jacket pocket the night before and could not find them.  We still got to the GM Corvette plant on time. Top left picture is outside the plant we were not allowed to take pictures inside the plant.  It was a two hour tour that went by so fast.  We both enjoyed seeing how the cars are put together.  When we left there we drove to the museum(top 2nd picture). Top rt. 2 pictures is the old (1953 first model) and new ( 2015 with new color paint for this year).  As we went around the museum we came upon the sink hole. 2/12/14 at 5:39 a.m. 33 ft deep 60 ft. long and 45 ft. wide (oval shape). 8 cars went into the hole two were on loan and six owned by the museum.  When we left there we went to a Bowling Green Visitors Bureau outside was this vet bottom 3rd picture.  They say more are around town. Then the bottom right is one of the boats that the corvette got its name from. A ship slim and fast guarded ports and rivers from USA and Canada to England. Corvette (French-meaning fast sloop).
We drove down town to the fountain square (top left) saw a church (top middle) and got some things at the local bakery.  We then drove to Jackson's orchard (top right) had pumpkin ice cream cone, apple donut, and apple cider. We watched them grade and put the apples in bags. Bought  1/2 bushel of Jonathan gold.  We found out the Jen was one hour from Bowling Green so we spent the night with them.  For dinner we had Pizza later after some cards we went to the new Krispy Kreme Doughnuts for fresh hot ones!.
Sat. Chris went to work, Jen and Mackenzie went to her ball game, and we took Katie to her school fall festival.  Top 2 left she is playing some of the many game. Top right getting bandaged up (tried to fool mom and dad but did not work). Bottom left we rode in the back of a fire truck. Bottom middle one of blow up games.  We all met at Jen's then back to Mackenzie ball games.  They won 2 out of three games.  After the game we drove to the rig.
Sun. We went to church, then got the rig, went to the dump station, then drove to Lake Cumberland. Near Jamestown Ky. at the dam in a Core. of Eng park.  We got set up did 2 loads of laundry then bed for there is no (not one) TV station.

Mon.  We got up had a nice breakfast and bible study.  Got the bikes down and went for a ride.  They have a free fishery next door so went to the museum to the dam and fishery.  As we talked to the folks found out they need some help so we volunteered for the next two weeks.  They have a area for volunteers so we moved the rig and got a refund on the camp site we were on( it was a nice wooded area by a creek).  After we got set up we found water in bottom of storage area.  Got it all dried out. look Tues to see if we fixed leak.

Tues. We got up ate and did our bible study and Linda could not wait to see if the leak was fixed.  So she ran out and found it all dry (Thank-you God). We then went to our first meeting at the Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery.  We spent the day there learning what our jobs will be.  One of them is feeding all the snakes, fish, and animals. Below Linda is holding a skunk that is way over weight.  Top right you can make out some of the fish. Bottom picture is our new site for the rig.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Ohio and Kentucky

Thur. We drove to Circleville Ohio to the 108TH  Annual Pumpkin Show. Top left picture some of the pumpkins for sale. Top middle a 6 foot diameter over 400 pound pumpkin pie. Top right seeing the crowd and some of the vender's. 2nd row the three largest pumpkin 1964, 1714, and 1445 pound and 3rd row more of the large pumpkins. 3rd row middle is some of the entertainment and right picture is the town water tower. Bottom left is one of the giant pumpkins sculpting by Gus the Squash Carver.  The bottom two right pictures Gus working on today's sculpture.  While we were there we ate some PUMPKIN FUDGE, PUMPKIN POP CORN, PUMPKIN PIZZA, PUMPKIN BURGER, PUMPKIN DONUT, PUMPKIN WAFFLE, PUMPKIN PIE, AND PUMPKIN ICE CREAM!
Fri. We got up enjoyed a slow morning.  We went to the Amish store to see them package candy but they were doing raisins so they had nothing to see. When we got home we started getting the rig ready for the move on Sunday.
Sat. After breakfast and bible study we headed to Columbus, Ohio.  We meet Nick and Kirby at North Star  Cafe and had a wonderful lunch.  Hamburgers for Nick and me, fish for Kirby and pancake and biscuit for Linda.  We went to there home afterward.  They have it decorated so nicely.  We had a great visit then drove back to the rig.  It was 48 when we got home and still going down.
 Sun.  It was 38* when we got up this morning.  We had breakfast in our nice warm bed.  We did our bible study then got the rig ready to leave.  We drove to Cave Creek campground in Falls of Rough Ky. It is a nice cor of eng. park. Our site over looks the lake and woods.  After we got set up we took a walk then had dinner and started a fire.
Mon. After a good night sleep we had breakfast and the acorns keep falling on the roof of the rig.  We called the office and then moved the rig across the street where it would not be under any trees.  Top left picture is the rear view of the old site. Middle top is the lodge not to far from the campground and next to it a view of the lake.  The middle pictures are of the dam.  The bottom pictures is of Falls of Rough.  Called so because they built a dam and mill in 1823.  It was run by the same family for 140 years.
Tues.  What a beautiful morning.  As we woke up looking out out windows we could see the fog from the warm river and cool night.  As the sun rose and broke through the fog and the fall leaves.  It was a nice morning so we had breakfast   outside.  Then we drove to Mammoth Cave National Park. It is known as the longest cave in the world and exploration to discover more continues today. They have many tours you can go on. We choose Domes and Dripstones. There are giant vertical shafts from the towering 192ft.high Mammoth Dome to the 105ft deep Bottomless Pit.  As we walked up to the cashier someone offered us a ticket to go on the tour and I get half off with my senior pass so it was only $7.  The first nine pictures are of the cave.  It has two areas one large area is the dry cave and the small area the wet cave.  They have maps for over 400 miles of the cave which is 7 miles wide and from 40 feet to  300 feet in elevation and they are still mapping areas. As we walked the narrow path there were many areas that were deep in depth and many that rose very high.  We went into many large rooms.  As we were leaving we walked through the wet section which you would expect to see in a cave.  The formations were breath taking.  We saw cave crickets (middle row 2nd picture).  The next three is the Large Historic Entrance.  After our tour we went on one of the many trails there. 2nd bottom picture a tree with roots in the rocks on a cliff.  On the way home we went to Mama Lou's Bar-B-Que and Gifts.  I had the ribs and Linda had the Mama Lou pretzel Burger. We shared both and had a pecan pie for dessert. All the food was cheap and delicious (can't wait to go back, got a double choc cake to take home). As you can see in the bottom right picture they have a small kitchen with 2 stoves everything made as you order.
Wed. We laid in bed with coffee watched the news and looked again out the windows at the fog over the water as the sun rose.  We took a couple walks and got firewood.  This is the third fire we have had in four days.  We really like it here.  We have been the only folks here till tonight one other rig pulled in. By the way the top picture is the view out the rear of the rig and the bottom is out of the side of the rig.