Thursday, December 31, 2015


Thur.  After going to Skidder's for breakfast we came home and played cards.  So far Linda who is playing two hands has won one game and Dad and I have won one game.  We got the bread dough and spread it out(top left), we did the butter and brown sugar(top middle), rolled it and cut it with a thread(top right and bottom left, then put it in a pan for Christmas.  We watched Christmas movies before bed.

Fri.  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!    We made coffee and the Cinnamon rolls we got ready yesterday. As you can see in the top left picture Santa came.  Top right is our breakfast. Gramps enjoyed them a lot!!We ate them all. The rest of the pictures are us opening up our gifts.  Dad got his calendar from the grand and great grandkids.  It is the highlight every Christmas.  We gave him a cart, which he can use in the kitchen his oven is across the room from the counter.  Linda and I open our gifts.  We read the story of Christ birth.

Before we left to Christmas dinner at Skidder's we posed at the tree in the entry way(top left).  At Skidder's we all had the turkey special Yum Yum(top right and bottom left).  Linda and I went for a swim(bottom middle) and on our walk back to dad's we saw this beautiful sunset(bottom right).  We watched more Christmas shows then bed.

 Sat. Linda cooked a  nice breakfast. We went shopping and Dad got some new sheets for our bed.  We then went to Bealls and found some real good deals all of us got some clothes.  When we got home we went for a swim.

Sun.  After our breakfast at Skidder's we went to church.  When we got home we had glorified ham sandwiches for lunch and a big ham dinner for supper.   We played some cards.  Dad is getting  much better at hand and foot.  We went on our 9 mile bike ride to Dunkin  Donut"s for our free coffee.  As we came hoe we enjoyed the sunset bottom 3rd picture.

Mon.  Linda made a wonderful breakfast of cooked ham, and pancakes.  Linda and I went to the pool for our daily workout.  As we were leaving the pool we saw the sunset bottom two pictures left.We played cards and watched movies.

Tues.  Linda made breakfast again.  Then I worked to get some pictures off my old computer to
dad's Ipad.  I tried everything I knew and still could not get them to work.  Linda and I went for our pool workout. Dad treated us to a steak dinner at Bascom's Chop House for doing some things around the house.  The filet melted in you mouth (top left two pictures). They gave Dad a flourless chocolate cake that was as Linda says out of this world (top right two pictures).

Wed. We went to Skidder's then grocery shopping.  We went to the pool to exercise again. We played some cards and watch a Christmas movie cd.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Eustis-St. Pete

Thur.  We got up early to go see the new Star Wars movie.  When we got there no one was around.  That's when we found out it is Thur. not Fri.  So to make the best of it we booked a one on one with Apple.  He did a great job he helped get our phone set and what he could not do he got an appointment for a tech later.  He also got a app. so we can get Linda's recipes on the internet.  From there we ate at Jason's Deli then went shopping.  It was a long day and so glad to get back to the rig.

Fri.  We got up on the right day today.  We went to see “Star Wars”.  We both enjoyed the movie but we had forgotten the other movies.  Not only did we get to see the movie free we got a soda and popcorn.  After the show we came back to the rig had lunch. Then we started to rake and use the blower to get rid of the leaves.  We made seven piles of leaves and only got one pile into the woods.  We had dinner then watched Christmas movies.

Sat. After breakfast I got all the piles of leaves cleaned up(pictures below).  We drove to town for a Starbucks and shopping.

Sun.  After church we went back to the rig. We got things ready for our trip to Dad's.  After Sunday night church we went looking at lights at Eustis and Mt. Dora. Pictures below.

Mon.   We drove to Dad's for the holidays.  We talked for awhile then watched some Christmas shows.  We planned tomorrow out and what we were going to do when we are here.

Tues.  We got up did a bible study then went to Skidder's for breakfast.  We then went to Home Depo and got some things for the house.  When we got back we put in the fan and a toilet(see 2nd picture below the top row).  Linda and I Went on a long bike ride (9 miles)to Dunkin Donuts only to find out it was closed because they were on water boil restriction.  On the way home we saw a wonderful sunset(see picture below).

Wed. After we got up we went to Skidder's for breakfast then did some shopping.  When we got home Put some lights in the kitchen then the fun began.  We rolled the sandies and dipped the peanut butter balls(see bottom picture above).   After lunch we played some cards.  Linda and I went on a walk around the condo's.  We watched another Christmas Show then had some of the "goodies" we made.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Clearmont- Perkins- CFBC

Thur. This morning I got all the parts and started working on the fuse bypass.  It was wonderful everything worked just as it was supposed to Yea.  After lunch and bible study I went to the pool to play and played volleyball.  Linda came up later and watched.  We swam together for a little while then she went and joined a ladies water aerobics class.  When she got out of the pool we went and played checkers on a large 10 foot by 10 foot board.  

Fri.  We have enjoyed eating on our picnic table.  The weather has been great cool in the morning and in the eighties in the afternoon.  As we were eating our lunch an airplane was writing in the sky.  He wrote Jesus 4 ever and Jesus loves u.  We went on a long walk this morning then a bike ride and paddle boat ride.  I went and played pool volleyball and Linda did the water aerobics again.  After dinner we went shopping and coffee at Starbucks.  We watched a Christmas show before bed.

Sat.  We had our routine of coffee in bed as we watched the morning shows.  Then breakfast and met up with our friends Cheryl and Steve Botts for a bike ride on the  West Orange Trail (a bike trail that used to be the old RR tracks).  At Winter Gardens they were having a craft fair so we ate many of the free samples they had and did not go to the ice cream store.  Linda and I will have to make the five mile (each way) bike ride again.  On the way we say an alligator and on the way home zebras and a horse-drawn carriage.  When we got back to the rig we cooked out hamburgers and had baked beans, cole slaw, and potato salad.  We played three game of pegs and jokers.  Lets just say the guys will be going to bed with winners.  

Sun.  After church we went to Lake Louisa where the Perkins are staying.  We picked them up and came to our rig where we had lunch and played cards.  After Jim’s birthday cake we went to Disney.  We were treated to Ghirardelli chocolate ice cream and Duke of Earl’s sandwich and later we had rice crispy treat.  We took a boat, bus and tram ride to the hotels to see their Christmas decorations.  The top middle picture is a gingerbread house from the movie Frozen. It has 311# of honey 514 # of flour 273 eggs 67#of spices 35# of sugar syrup 222#of icing 423#of chocolate. The house has 1500 shingles and has 15 hidden Olafs.  The bottom gingerbread house has 1050 # of honey 140 pints of egg whites 600# of powdered sugar 700# of chocolate 35# of spices and tons of creativity Disney Magic and Pixie Dust. The rest of the pictures are the trees and some characters.  When we got home around 8 all of us were exhausted.
Mon. We got up and after our bible study we started to get things ready for us to leave Tues.  After lunch we picked up Jim and Lana and went to Disney and played cards.  For dinner we met one of Jim's old classmates and had dinner.  After a visit and dinner with them we took Jim and Lana home and we went back to the rig.  Below is Jim's birthday cake that Linda made a Mississippi Mud Cake.  The bottom picture is the ice cream we ate at Disney.

Tues.  After our bible study we got everything hooked up and left.  I think that we have a handle on how to do it now.  From the time we started getting the rig ready and the car hooked to the rig it took one hour and fifteen min.  We only had 50 miles to go so we made it to CFBC before lunch.  We got everything set up, had lunch, then a nap.  After dinner we played a game.

Wed.  After our bible study I washed the car while Linda got things organized to take to my Dad's.  After dinner we went shopping and to church.  It was nice to see some folks that we got to know through out the years here. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Clearmont Fl

Thur. Linda had two sleepless nights about my health insurance.  We were able to redo it and now we are both happy for the next year.   When we looked out our window we saw one of the many turtles(top left picture). 

Fri. We went to the Orlando Mall to a one to one Apple computer class.  We got a lot of questions answered and he was able to show us part of the number program.  We then went out to dinner then home.

Sat.  We finally made time to clean the windows on the car.  They had gotten very dirty as we traveled in the rain with it towed behind the rig(top right picture).  We also made time to go swimming.  I was able to play water volleyball for two hours.  While Linda exercised in the pool.  After a wonderful chicken dinner we went to the clubhouse and learned a new game (fast trac)  The girls won the first game and the guys won the second.  We then listened to a couple sing country music(bottom right picture).  

Sun.    After church we went shopping and Starbucks for a drink special.  When we got back to the rig we went up to the pool and I played pool volleyball again(bottom left picture).  I then did a lesson and Linda made dinner and we watched three christmas movies.

Mon.  After our bible study  I dumped the tanks and put on a new fresh water hose.  I ate lunch then went and did one more lesson.  We went to Starbuck's for there half price sale.  After dinner we watched TV.

Tues.  After our bible study this morning I took the bikes and waxed and oiled them(picture bottom left).  This afternoon we drove to town to pick up some Christmas gifts, have dinner, and pick up fuses for the car.

Wed.  I went to put the fuse extender into the Honda and got one side with no problems.  When I went to do the other side I pressed down and bent the tip which broke when I straighten it out.  So on our way to church we went to get a new part. Four stories later I found something that will work.  I was able to finish my last lesson today yea.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Thur.  Happy Thanksgiving   The family all met at Betty and Fred's.  She had made a very tender juicy turkey and the rest brought sides.    The weather was perfect so after dinner we stayed outside enjoyed sitting and games.  We came inside and watched football and played board games. It seemed that all over ate for lunch, no one wanted dinner except the three kids.

Fri.  We met Mike and Pam at Betty and Fred's for breakfast.  The top left picture is some turkeys that made it past Thanksgiving in their back yard.  We had coffee, coffee cake and fellowship.  Linda and I left there and went to Barbara Mandrell's home (Fontanel Mansion).   The rest of the pictures below are of the home.  Some highlights 2nd row left a post that had many of the folks that came to visit them.  Such as Bob Hope, Jerry Lewis, Billy Graham, Glades Knight and Brenda Lee.  3rd row left is a dress of Minnie Pearl who was a regular visitor. Botton left three pictures is of their bedroom.  The second bottom picture is me with crackers eating them in her bed(Which is from her song"Crackers"). The third is Linda in their big hot tub. Bottom right picture is a statue "I exalt thee". We enjoyed the grounds and the history of the area.

We went to Jen's where Mike and Chris were putting their new tv up(top left 2nd picture they read the directions 3rd picture everyone enjoying the TV).   Katie and I made a turkey cracker and cheese plater.  Bottom 3rd picture Mike being a good sport as Addy and Katie  dressed him and colored his hair and beard.  Before we left Katie and Addy put on a skit for us(bottom right).  We had a wonderful visit with Pam and Mike and the rest of the family.

Sat. We went to Jen's for leftovers at lunch.  Linda and Katie made a turkey pot pie for dinner.  After dinner Katie and Jen worked on playing a game (survivor).  Jen was the host, Mackenzie was sick and didn't play till later.  The first thing we did was hula hoop where Katie won amenity.  We then did a cheer like game where Linda and I were disqualified and had to go to tribal council.  Linda got voted off.  The next thing was to balance a ball on a paddle.(2nd picture bottom and Linda was sitting in a chair and fell bottom left picture)   Chris won amenity and Katie had the hidden amenity so I was voted off.  The next thing was a tasting contest(top three right pictures).  Katie ended up winning.  It was a very fun night.

Sun.  We went to Jen's to pick them  up(Mackenzie was sick and did not come) and went to see our old youth minister that now is the minister in Murfreesboro. Afterward we went to Blue Coast a restaurant like Moe's.  We had a great time catching up (bottom right picture).  When we got back to their house we had desert and Linda and I played cards with Katie and Mackenzie.  When we got back to the rig we did some things to get ready to leave tomorrow.  We watched some Christmas shows and went to bed.

Mon.  We got up this morning, ate and did our bible study.  Then we were blessed by having the arms on the tow dolly both extend.  We drove to Cordell Ga. and spent the night in the Walmart parking lot.  We had lots of rain and fog it was the strongest when we climbed Mt. Eagle.  When we got to I-75 the rain stopped and after Atlanta the sun came out.  Picture below was taken of us at the Walmart we stayed at.(we forgot to take a picture in the daylight)

Tues.  On the road again.  The night was not bad we got up and drove to Thousand Trails near Orlando.  After we got set up I went and shaved my No Shave November Beard.(see below)

Wed.  We got up did a load of laundry, went on a long bike ride and redid the insurances because Vanderbilt will no longer take our insurance.  We got an appointment to see our new family doctor in January.  After dinner we went to church then to Aldi's for groceries.  We got home watched a little TV then bed.  It gets so dark early we are both ready for bed by six.  

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Nashville-Mike and Pam

Thur.  We got up at five to do devotion and start our trip to Nashville.  Of course it was raining and very foggy(top left two pictures).We arrived around one got set up then went to Jen's to pick-up Katie.  We showed her the rig then headed to Grand Olde Opry for the lighting of the Christmas lights.  They have changed the  theme this year to a country theme.  We walked around before the dedication(most of the pictures below).  Jenny joined us at the the lighting ceremony.  The country group "Gaitlin Brothers" played two songs before the lightings.   After the lighting we met Chris and Mackenzie for pizza(bottom 3rd picture).  We were blessed that Chris got six tickets to go to the final dress rehearsal of the musical "How the Grinch stole Christmas".(bottom 2nd picture)   It was a very well done and everyone enjoyed it. Bottom right picture is before we went on to the show.

Fri.  Betty and Fred came over to see the rig.  We then left and had lunch at Center Point Grill a BBQ place. It was a restaurant that Guy from the food network "Diners, Drive-ins and Dives had been to and promoted.  As you can se 1/2 of sandwich was hugh (top three pictures).  We then left for Jen's and picked up Mackenzie, she spent the night.  On the way home we picked up a movie "Tomorrowland".  We made coffee cake for the morning then played some cards, had popcorn and root beer,  before the movie.  Mackenzie and Linda fell asleep before 1/2 the movie was over(bottom three pictures).

 Sat.  When we got up we had our coffee cake and rewatched the second half of the movie.  Played some more cards then off to Katie basket ball game.  She played two game and has improved a lot(left three pictures).  After the game we went to Jen's and we put in the new microwave(top right two pictures).  We had Katie over and we made coffee cake and watched the movie Tomorrowland.

Sun.  Cold COLD we were watching the basement of the RV as the temperature dropped.  It maintained a temperature above freezing.  Katie went to church with us.  After church we met Jen, Chris, and Mackenzie at Sam's. After lunch we had their samples and did some shopping.  Jen and Linda went for coffee and Chris, Katie and I went to their home.  We watched a little of the football games then played cards.  We went to their church came back to their home and got some chili to go.  The temperature  was already below freezing.  Even with the gas heat on we had a hard time keeping the basement from freezing.  I finally went out and put a heater down there.  The reason it is so critical is if the plastic pipes or waste tank freezes they may split and that would be a mess.

Mon.  After a sleepless night for Linda because it was below freezing for eight hours.  This was the second morning in a row that the car had frost on it(below top left picture).We went to Nashville for our appointments at the tax guy, financial guy and heart Doctor.  We were also able to make some other calls between them.  When we got done we went back to the rig and called Winnebago to ask about the rig. They said that the tech had gone home and he would follow up tomorrow.

Tues.  After our bible study we picked up Jen.  Miley was relaxing on the floor with her paws on her pet(top right picture).  Jen took us to Brentwood " Amerigo's" an Italian restaurant for our birthdays(bottom left picture).  We all enjoyed a delicious lunch and shared an appetizer.  Then a mile away is the office of Dave Ramsey(bottom 2 right pictures).  We went there and they were doing a taping of his program.  They had a coffee bar and lots of cookies for us to enjoy. We got gas and went shopping.  To Jens house and home.  Jen, Chris, Mackenzie and Katie came to see the rig.  We showered then to bed.

Wed.  Up early and to my Dr. appointment.  They found a spot on my back they are looking at and will get a report beginning of next week.  They also found 6 spots they froze which is better then the 25 they have been finding.  We went to Jen's where Katie and Linda did some cooking and Mackenzie worked on a christmas present(top 3 pictures below).  I worked on some crown molding over the sink(bottom left two).  When we got done Mike and Pam arrived.  They came over to the rig to see it then Mike and I helped bring in a TV table at Betty's and Fred's.  We came to Jen's and had Chris's famous meatball/spaghetti dinner and some cards(going around the table me, Linda, Betty, Jennifer, Fred, Kari, Mike, Pam, and Chris).  Fred and I were the last two playing and we tied which was his last point and my second point(Bottom right Picture).

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Leak Fixed--Heater Fixed

Thur.  What great news the parts to the rig are in Columbia so we got things ready to leave in the morning.  What we thought would take a few minutes(hooking up) took an hour.  We just are not sure if we are doing everything 100% right.  After calling some friends we fell a lot more confidante.  

Fri.  We got up at five to head to Camping World in Columbia.  They did have the part but we still do not have the heat going to the whole rig.   After feeling defeated we left and went to Sesquicentennial State Park, not to far from Shannon's. We then drove to Shannon's and had a nice time with Shannon and the kids.  We left and they watched scary movies on Friday the 13.  We tried the heater and after 15 min. we smelt something like melting crayons and then the heater stopped working(bummer)

Sat. Shannon and the boys came over and I played with the boys while Shannon and Linda had a girls day.  On their way home they got Lilimarie then Al got off work and was able to come also(what a nice surprise).  We were gathering wood and we saw a dead branch in the tree and ZZ challenged Diego to jump and break the branch.  We also played baseball and went on a bike ride around the park. It got cold but we built a fire and had s'mores anyway.  We had chilli cooking all day and Linda made hot chocolate for the kids and we had coffee.  We had a wonderful night and Lilimarie stayed the night.

Sun.  After church we got back to the rig then Shannon and the boys came over.  Lilimarie climbed the tree near the rig.  We had lunch then went to the ball diamond for baseball for the boys and softball for the girls.  We cooked sausages over the fire and cooked the veggies on it also.  It was a lot warmer and we all had a nice night.

Mon.  After getting a horrible start. (hooking up)  We drove to Camping World in Spartanburg.  After we got there they had a wonderful mechanic come and look at the propane heater.  After he could not find the problem he called Winnebago and we found that the return air duct had the pattern board still in it.  When we took the board out the air came in all the heater ducts!!!!Praise God!! We then got the rig set up for the night.

Tues.  Yea the washer is fixed it no longer leaks.  We put two large glasses of water down the soap dispense where it leaked to find we forgot to put the filter at the bottom of the washer (what a mess). After the repair man left Linda did three loads to make sure it was fixed.  We went shopping then to see a movie(Martian). 

Wed. It was time for linda to get all the laundry done.  She fixed a apple crisp and ice cream for the workers here for working so hard to fix our problems.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Ashville NC--Spartenburg SC

Thur.  We did our bible study then out to look at the beautiful fall colors.  We stopped by the visitors center and got some ideas to where to go. Below Jim and Lana playing cards on Wed. Linda and I at French Broad Chocolates.  We went to Grove Inn built 1913.  The rest of the pictures below are some of the trees.

We also went to two museums, Colburn Earth Science Museum and Western N.C. Nature Center (pictures below).  We had a great day visiting Asheville.

Fri.  We picked-up Jim and Lana and drove to Waynesville NC.   We had a great time walking around town going to the quaint shops.  We drove back to the house where they are house sitting .  We had eggplant parmesan a meal that we have when we get together.   We played cards and finally the guys won.

Sat.  What a fun day.  On the way to pick up Jim and Lana we saw the clouds in the mountains(top left two pictures below).  We drove to Bred Bakery in Weaverville. They had the biggest eclairs and we enjoyed it (yum yum)(top right and bottom left).  After lunch went to Fresh Market and they we re having there holiday taste day(Linda and Lana in line for the food taste).  We went back to the house and played cards(middle bottom picture).  Jim did not have any samples and he made home made pizza which was delicious(bottom right picture).

Sun.  After church  we went to the Perkins for cards and the best steaks ever .  Linda and Lana worked in the kitchen making homemade rolls, steak and potatoes. then had choc cake we had got from the bakery yesterday. Yum Yum! And I have had the best time winning at cards for three days straight.  I have never been that lucky getting so many good cards.

Mon. An other rainy day.  We drove to Camping World in Spartenburg SC to get our rig fixed.   He looked at the washer and found the problem and is ordering the part.  It was a small leak in a hose.  It may take 3 to 5 days if the part is in at the factory.  He said that in 18 years he has never seen this part go bad. Just our luck.

Tues.  We took a ride into town and watched "Woodlawn"  It was a wonderful movie about life in the 70's and a football team that broke the segregation barriers down.  The rest of the afternoon we relaxed around the rig.

Wed.  We drove to Croft State Park.  It was a community in the 1800 and 1900's.  During WW2 they used the land to train troops.  After the war it became a State Park.  While at the park we went to the campground, then went on a bike ride(pictures below).

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Alvarez's-Ashville NC

Thur.  We worked on the rig..  Then we went to the kids ball games.  Xander and Diego had a game at the same time then LiliMarie had her game later at a different location(see pictures below).

Fri. We washed the rig and car.  Then we went to the base where the chaplin had folks go bowling, lots of food and treats, and the games at the bowling alley were free to everyone(top two left pictures below).

Sat. We had the kids decorate their glasses and make witches hats (top right picture)for dessert for our Halloween dinner.  Linda made eyeballs(bottom left picture) served on worms(purple spaghetti) for dinner and we had the witches hats for dessert.  For a drink we made witches brew.  After dinner we  all got our costumes on (bottom 3 right pictures) and went around the neighborhood.

Sun. We went to church then to Shannon's for lunch and games and dinner.

Mon. We worked  around the rig, drove to Shannon's where  Al made a delicious dinner(top right Al cutting a dragon fruit to add to fruit bowl).  We played some games  then back to the rig.

Tues. We got up early hooked the car to the rig and drove to Spartanburg Camping World(bottom right picture above).  We had them look at the leak under the washer.  They found we had a Whirlpool, and they do there own work on the washers and dryers.  So we are have them come on Monday to Camping World to fix the leak under the washer.  We left there and went to Asheville N.C. to Wilson's RV Campgrounds.  It is right on the river close to town.  We went on a 4 mile bike ride then relaxed the rest of the night(2 right pictures).

Wed.  We took another bike ride.  Jim and Lana came over we played cards and had BBQ from Little Pigs.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

S.C. State Fair-Kids Spent the weekend-rig fixed-FVisit Jim and Lana

Thur. For two weeks they have the S.C. State Fair.  They had a special that folks could get in for one dollar.  It was because of the flood that displaced many folks and the people coming to help.  We enjoyed everything from the sand sculptures, to the paintings, crafts, foods, cattle, and so much more.  We spent the morning doing things around the rig and it was nice to get away.

Fri.  We went shopping to get things, for the grandchildren are coming for the week end.(our 1st overnight guest)  Al and Shannon came with the kids and we had S’mores and enjoyed the fire(top left picture below).  We all got ready for bed and watched the movie “RV”(top 2nd picture).

Sat. Lilimarie made pancake batter and Linda cooked them (2nd row left two pictures) and we all ate them.  We did a bible study (3rd picture 2nd row), We had the kids across the street come and made pumpkins (rice crisp and top was a tootsie roll), we skipped rocks(bottom left), played ball(2nd bottom picture), played games (3rd bottom picture) and we all made our hobo’s (bottom right picture).  We gave the kids whipping cream (top 3 right pictures).  After our showers we watched a movie “Zoo Keeper”.

Sun.  We met Shannon, dropped the kids off and went to church. After church Al, Shannon, Linda and I went out to dinner.  We went back to Shannon’s and played games.  Shannon is an archery instructor so she was showing us how to shoot(pictures below). Diego washed their truck and my car(top right picture below), later we all made our own pizza for dinner.

Mon.  We got up ate, did our bible study, then cleaned, laundry, raked  the root in the road(top left picture above)and got ready to leave tomorrow.  After dinner we went to Xander’s game. 

Tues.  We got up and drove to Spartanburg’s Camping World.They had to do some warranty work and attach the air valves to the rear wheels. When we left there we drove to Asheville N.C, the trees were changing and were beautiful.evan in the pouring rain.  We went to see Jim and Lana at the house (picture in middle below)they are babysitting.  They have lots of wildlife there.  They have seen a bear and we saw three turkeys(top right picture below).  The time was spent playing cards(girls won the most) and sight seeing the area.  Lana made the most delicious steaks for dinner.

Wed.  We got up ate and played two more games of Rook.  We each won one.  We left went to get rig.  The service there has been wonderful.  We then drove back to the Army base campground again in the rain.  We got set up and things put away.  After church we went to the store then home.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Williams-Mary at Nashville- Carol's- Back to rig

Thur.  When Mackenzie got home from her sleepover, she, Katie, Linda and I went to Betty and Fred's where Mary was.  We had a nice talk for a while (top left picture) then played badminton (top right pictures), frisbee golf (middle right and left picture), we played jinga (bottom left picture), we had chocolate cake(middle middle picture), the kids played in the family room(bottom middle), and we had dinner (bottom right picture).

Fri. We got up had breakfast said goodbye to everyone then on the road to Carol's.  We stopped at a mall until Carol got off then to her house.  We drove to near where Amanda lives and had dinner with her and her family.

Sat.  After oatmeal (which we have not had in a long time) we drove to a pumpkin patch and met Amanda, Dusty, Heidi and Hayden and some of there friends.  There was a lot to do for all ages.  We played checkers (top right) , went down a slide then through a corn maze(middle left 2 pictures), watched some pigs race(middle left two pictures), used a sling shot to launch small pumpkins(bottom left picture, walked through the pumpkin patch( bottom middle 3 picture), and went to a sunflower patch.  When we got home Heidi and I went for a walk, she drove her motor car and push car, and we played with side walk chalk(bottom right picture).  We had dinner played with Heidi and went to bed.

Sun. Linda and Heidi made her special pancakes(top 2 left pictures below).  Josh and Ashley's came for breakfast. Last night we found out that Ashley's grandmother just passed away.  After breakfast we drove back to the rig.  When we got back we found out the Lilimarie was having a girl scout crossover(top 2 right pictures below).  It was on the base so were got threw the gate and got to the meeting just in time.  We went to the lake that the dam broke and was empty.  We went home afterwards and put things away.  

Mon.  We got some of our bills paid and got things ready for Camping World to fix the rig.

Tues. We spent the night on the couch in the living room.  It was very uncomfortable. We got the rig ready to leave and found Linda car windshield was iced.(Very cold nights as our heater is what not working)  After we got the ice off we left(bottom 2 right picture above). We got there early so were able to get the paper work done and have them work on the rig.  They got done earlier than we expected.  They ordered parts for three things and fixed the water leaks.  We left the rig there and went to the Honda dealer to see why the air and breaks were not right.  They took us back to the rig and we drove home.  We got the slide out and the rig set up.  They called and said what they found and fixed what was wrong with the air and breaks.  They were going to come to the campground to get us but the driver had a flat on I 26.  He is getting us tomorrow.

Wed. 2nd morning n the low 50 inside and 30's outside (Which way to Fl. ?). We were having our coffee in bed when the shuttle driver called.  We went to Honda and got he car.  Then to Cracker Barrel for breakfast.  We have not been there in awhile. Back home to make phone calls on paper work we got when we got the rig.  We went to church then back home to do the blog and to bed.  We got out the electric blanket for tonight.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Thur. After breakfast the boys read then we played some cards. Went to eat lunch with Brendan at his school.  Linda and Hope made dinner and after dinner Brendan, Kenn and I went to a boy scout meeting(top 3rd picture).  While the rest stayed home and played cards.  When we got home I soaked my foot (top 2nd picture)then off to bed.

Fri.  We played some more cards before the boys went to school.  We went to Bryce school and had lunch with him. Below top left picture he is pointing to his reading award. Their school is only four houses away.  Kenn and Linda went shopping while I kept my foot raised.

 Sat.  Kenn made bacon and pancakes(above picture bottom left 2 pictures)  We then went to the boys football games ( above picture bottom right 2 pictures).  Picture below top left is the trees behind Tam's house.  We went to the Zoo (2nd top picture and bottom 2 left).  We then went to Kenn's old school and they showed us the brick they had made for Brighton(top right 3 pictures).  After some cards the boys helped me make the coffee cake for Sunday(bottom 2 right pictures)

Sun. The boys spent the night with us in the family room.  When we woke up they both played the violin for us it was a great treat(bottom 2 left pictures).  After our coffee cake and coffee we went to church(top left picture below).  From church we went to Ca. Pizza a fund raiser for Tammy's old employment when they lived here in the 90's.  When we got home the kids put icing on the cupcakes they made Sat. Hope had archery practice (bottom 3rd picture)which she did very well and will be moving up to a smaller size target.  We went to dinner and had my birthday cupcakes(bottom right picture). We went to Dollar movie theatre to see "Inside Out".
Mon. I got a chance to be with the kids so we went to the Science Center.  Top left picture we built an arch.  We went to Ripley's believe it or not which was an exhibit at the center.  2nd picture is Bryce in front of bumble bee ( a robot all made of car parts).  Top right picture is a car made all of match sticks.  Tam, Kenn, and Linda met us there and we split up with a girls day and boys day.  On the girls day the girls were at Whole Foods and a girl came up to them and offered for $5.00 to cut Hope's hair.  She needed to be certified and the girl coming canceled.  Picture below left is Hope getting her hair done.  Middle picture is the group leaving the salon.  It was so nice outside when we got home we played cards and ate outside.  Bottom right picture Bryce climbing a tree.  After the kids got tucked in we watched a movie "Unstoppable"

Tues.  After everyone left the house we did our bible study.  I washed the car and we took a ride looking for a campground.  We found a new one that is near Hope's archery about 18miles from Tam's.  When we got home we had dinner, played basketball and Linda and the boys hit a plastic ball.  We had desert, put the boys to bed and watched TV.

 Wed. After we got up we said goodbye to everyone then packed and left for Jen's.  We got there about 3:30.  Linda and Katie made pig in the blanket for Mackenzie softball team party.   We went to Bojangle for dinner.  It was the first time Linda and I have been there and both like it.  We told the manager it was our first time and he gave us a hot sweetpotato pie.  When we got home we played cards.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

1000 Year Rain in NC- Williams-Niebrugge

Thur.  All three kids had games tonight.  Linda and Sha went to Lilimarie games and I went to the boys.  After the games we went home.

Fri. We had planned to go to Jen's with the Alvarez's when they  got home from school and work.  But as we listened to the news it was to rain over 12 inches in 24 hours.  So that we could stay in front of the rain we left for TN earlier.  As we drove it never stopped raining and twice we drove thru fog.  We were happy that we left early but disappointed that we were not able to bring the Alvarez family.   We were able to watch Katie's game at the middle school volleyball tournment. Betty, Fred, Kari, Addy and Steven all joined us at the game.

Sat. Jen took Mackenzie to a work day at her school, where they painted.  When Chris got off work he replaced Jen and she joined us at Katie 's tournament. We all went  out to lunch (top right)then back to Jen's. Chris and I put in a new fauset in the kitchen(top left picture).

Sun. After church we went to Jen's for lunch then to Betty's for a visit and see her new living room stuff.

Mon.  We met Betty and Fred at Eggs and I.  Katie had her last Volleyball game which she was able to play one and a half games and then went to her first basketball game(bottom rt.#34).

Tues.  We went to Betty and Fred's for breakfast and a nice visit on there back porch.  Linda did our laundry and Fred and I put up a new dinning room light(top left picture below).  We worked on our mail then picked-up Katie at school.  We had dinner then went to Addy's softball game(top right picture below).  Katie helped Steven by catching for him(bottom left picture below).

Wed. We went to CVS to see if Linda and I could get the pills we are to take daily.  We did not plan on being away from the rig but just the week-end. We were both happy to get them and now I am on Fla Blue Ins.  We went to my foot Dr. had part of my toenail removed (picture bottom right) then to Starbuck's for being a good patient and then drove to Tammy's.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hitches for the car-SC State Capitol Building- Front end aliment

Thur.  All morning long we read more of the booklets on the motorhome.  At 11:30 they came and told us the car was done and he would teach us how to hook up the car to the rig. That is when it started to rain and rain.  At 2:30 it was still raining but slowed down.  It did stop and we moved the rig to a spot we could get hooked up.  Then just as he came to show us it started to rain again.  The mechanic had a huge umbrella which we all got under and he started to bring out the pieces one by one.  Then when we thought we were done he showed us the braking system(more to learn).  After it was all together we took it apart and put it together ourselves.  Then as we left more rain and rush hour traffic.  We were so happy to get to the campground and everything working.  After we got set up we had dinner then relaxed the rest of the evening.  
Fri. After our bible study we put on the bike rack to make sure it worked.  We reorganized the bends in the RV.  We made a trip to Starbucks to make sure the bikes rode well.  Then to bed early after a little TV.

Sat. After breakfast we went to see ZZ and Shannon run at their school.  Afterward we went to Krispy Kreme’s.  Lilimarie had a friend (Audrey) for the week end.  All of us went downtown Columbia and enjoyed Mast General Store.  When we got back to Sha. Al grilled hamburgers and polish sausages.  Sha, Al, Linda, and I played phase 10 and the kids watched a movie.  

Sun.  After church we met Sha at an Oriental restaurant(top left picture below). Then to Starbuck’s before going to her home. The kids got some mask for Halloween Linda and I and ZZ and Lilimarie (middle right two.) Lilimarie  and I sewed some curtains for the rig(3 bottom right pictures). Lilimarie and Diego went to youth group and we played cards before going to the rig.

Mon.  We took the rig to Industrial Alinement to have it alined. While they worked on it we went to the place for my blood work.  We wanted to make sure all the paperwork was right.  We then went to the State capital(top right and middle left).  We were able to join a tour group of the building.  Some of the furnishings were priceless.  They had a picture in the revolution war that had a AfroAmerican in it.  They say it is the only one in that err that shows it.  In the senate the wood they use does not exist anymore.  The deco glass is not done any more in the USA.  It was a great tour and the building was nice.  We left there to go to pick up the rig.  We had decided to hook up the car on the way home for practice.  What should have taken 15 min. took 2 hours.  We did not want to do anything if we were not 100% sure.  We made some phone calls to be sure. When we got back to the campgrounds Linda went to pay for rent and I started to look at things.  I noticed that the fridge was not on.  So for 5 hours it was not on.  After some phone calls I think I now know how to turn on the inverter so the fridge gets electricity.  

Tues.  As we slept in we got a call saying the kids missed the bus and wanted us to take them to school.  We did then went to get my blood work done and Krispy Kreme for free coffee and donut(bottom right picture above).  We then went back to where we got the hitch put on and got the hitch cover that was on order.  After lunch I worked on the rig and did the blog. Linda did more reading and paper work on the rig. 

Wed.  After our bible study we again read some of the manuals on the rig.  I am working on the generator and Linda is making cheat sheets for hooking the car to the rig.  We then took a walk to the office and extended our time and paid for it.  After lunch we worked on getting a space in Nashville for Thanksgiving.  After dinner we went to church.  We met ZZ, Diego and Shannon to have ice cream.